Mastering a martial art like Jiu-Jitsu requires not only physical discipline but also mental focus and discipline. Too many people are of the mindset that their practice begins and ends when they get on and off the mat at the gym. In reality, you should be cultivating a mindful mental state that reflects the philosophy of Jiu-Jitsu even when you are not actively practicing. One of the important ways to honor the philosophy of Jiu-Jitsu is to keep your spirit, body, mind and even your exercise space clean.
Clean with a Mottaini State of Mind
The term mottaini translates to “too good to be wasteful.” This idea fits perfectly with the concept of living a low-carbon life, reminding us to value the things around us, including people, plants, animals, nature, and ourselves. Wearing a white uniform to exercise in may seem frustrating, as it’s guaranteed to get dirty. However, it shows the discipline and dedication of the person wearing it. If you want the other people at your gym to take you seriously, your uniform needs to be spotless every time you show up.
Unless you want to experience the rapid degradation of the fabric used in the uniform, you need to invest some time and researching more natural bleaching options. White vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, borax, and even lemons can help you keep your uniform sparkling white and more resilient. When you look proper on the outside, you will feel better on the inside during your practice.
A Clean Space for a Happiness-Driven Life
Whether you practice in your own home or solely at a communal gym, keeping the mats and other equipment clean is critical. If you care about your loved ones and home, you will want to give them a safe and clean environment. After all, the dirtier the surfaces are, the quicker your uniform will wind up grimy and stained. Beyond that, there’s the concern for infection and disease.
Athlete’s foot, which is a fungus, as well as many forms of bacteria, thrive on communal surfaces and exercise spaces. Taking the time to carefully clean and wipe down exercise mats and equipment every time you use it is smart. In some cases, the gym owner may give you a discount for staying behind to help clean. In others, cleaning is simply part of the ritual involved with practice. If you maintain a clean space, you will take greater pride in the time you spend there.
Cleaning Is Philosophically Relevant to Jiu-Jitsu
Training your body and mind for a practice like Jiu-jitsu has a host of benefits. One of them is increased mental clarity and focus. Cleanliness, or fastidiousness about one’s atmosphere, goes hand-in-hand with mindfulness and awareness. Keeping your uniform and your exercise space clean reflect how you are attempting to keep your mind and soul clean through your practice. Consider the time that you spent cleaning your uniform and your gym equipment part of the meditation that goes hand-in-hand with successful Jiu-Jitsu training.
Courtesy of Jane Sandwood